Sunday, August 23, 2009


At church, Maddox goes to a Sunday School class for 2 year olds. They do some coloring and a short lesson but it is mostly playing and watching videos. Toward the end of the class, when all the kids are about to be picked up, they seat all the two year olds on the floor and put on a movie (usually Barney) and give the kids a snack. EVERY single week they serve animal crackers. Maddox absolutely loves animal crackers and so you will never hear a complaint from him about the repetitive snack routine. A couple weeks ago as Brandon and I arrived at the classroom door to pick up Maddox the teacher called out Maddox's name to announce that his parents were there to get him and unusually it was taking Maddox quite awhile to get up and run to the door. He usually comes running when he sees us but on this day he was taking his sweet time. I thought it was weird but then when he turned around and began coming toward us I saw the reason for his delay. Maddox's mouth was completely STUFFED with animal crackers. Apparently, he hadn't had a chance to finish his snack and didn't want to give up a single cookie and so shoved every last cracker into his mouth. As he walked toward us with bulging cheeks his teacher began chuckling and said "Oh sweetie, you could have taken those with you!" Poor Maddox. What can I say? He's my kid foodie! He never wastes a crumb!


Grma Pennie said...

My "mind movies" lets me see Maddox with his mouth so full! It really does make me laugh.

Tiffany said...

HA I can see it now!

Rae said...

HAHA! That's awesome! And now I want Animal Crackers! YUMMY!