Saturday, January 3, 2015

first day

The first day of school 2014-2015! Ashtyn is 10 years old and starting 4th grade. His teacher's name is Mrs. Johnson but he also starts switching classrooms this year for each subject to prepare him for intermediate school next year. Maddox is 8 years old and starting 3rd grade. His teacher's name is Mrs. Bates.

Yep...I'm THAT mom taking WAY too many pictures and annoying my kids! I just can't help myself! This year the boys let me walk them into the school but told me they could go by themselves once we got to the entryway to their hallway. Gone are the days of walking them right into their classrooms...

With the first day of school comes the first day of long after school pick up lines. The first day line is always the worst but as the year goes on I actually enjoy this time alone. It's the calm before the after school storm of homework, chores, dinner and bedtime.

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