Tuesday, January 18, 2011

depends on your definition of party...

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!! Today I turn 28!!!!!!! OK...so it's not all that exciting but, hey, birthday's can still be exciting even when you don't get a party, presents and cake...right!?!? Anyway, my dream birthday would have been sleeping in, going to my mom's class, having a mani/pedi, reading in bed, taking a short nap, watching Dr. Phil, going out to dinner, taking a hot shower and then climbing in bed to watch TV until I drift off into dream land. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It makes me laugh just thinking that this fantasy is even in my head!! I have a sneaking suspician that I won't have a birthday like that...ummm...ever!! Oh well. So, my birthday didn't go quite as "planned". I took care of two feverish sick little boys today who neither went to school. The highlight of my day was when they both took really long naps giving me a bit of quiet, free time! I took a nap myself and then watched some Style Network! I guess when it comes down to it that's pretty much a full blown vacation for a mom! Ha!!
I will say that Brandon worked hard to make my birthday special and out of the ordinary from a typical day! The boys had gotten me a card and a king size reece's cup candy bar (which I quickly ate while the boys were asleep so that Maddox wouldn't steal it...) and then Brandon told me not to make dinner because he was going to "cook". Well I wasn't complaining when Brandon's version of cooking dinner was picking up Pei Wei on his way home! Mmmmmm! We had mongolian beef, fried rice and spring rolls! We were stuffed and happy!

I really did have a good birthday! I refused to do laundry, napped with my boys and ate take out for dinner! What more could a woman ask for? OK...I sorta wanted that pedicure but it can wait... Ha!!!!


Rae said...

sounds like a great make shift birthday to me! ;)

Grma Pennie said...

Making lemonaide out of lemons! A skill all mom's need to perfect! Good job! and Happy Birthday (again)!!!!!