Sunday, January 9, 2011

mama's boy

This weekend I was eager to get out of the house! The weather was pretty nice and we were anticipating some winter weather on Sunday and Monday so we made plans to go to the zoo on Saturday. Unfortunately, those plans fell through when Brandon finally caught the awful cold we had all already had and so was under the weather Saturday. Ash, being the homebody that he is, wanted to stay home and play video games and so Maddox and I modified our plans and instead of going to the zoo we went shopping! We visited Target, Dollar Jewelry and then I convinced Maddox to go to the mall. (Sure I bribed him with pizza for lunch but it was worth it!) When we got to the mall, however, it was pure MADNESS!!!! You would have thought it was the weekend before Christmas! There were people, crazy shopping people, everywhere! So Maddox and I ate our yummy pizza and then ran for our lives! Ha!! Instead of shopping at the mall we headed across the street to Ross and Old Navy. Of course, at Old Navy Maddox found himself TWO new Star Wars t-shirts! I think we may now be eerily close to a Guinness Book of World Record for "a single child owning the most star wars tees"! Ha!! Maddox and I had a great time running around together and having lunch. It's not often that I get a date with just one of my boys!

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

That's a good idea! maybe you should schedule dates with the boys once a month or something.