Sunday, February 6, 2011

ho hum

So, it's no secret that Ashtyn very well may be the pickiest eater in the entire world!! It started when he was about two and really hasn't improved too much since then. He slowly picked and chose what he would and wouldn't eat from the moment he was able to have an opinion and to date, at almost seven years old, Ashtyn's diet basically consists of chicken nuggets, french fries, yogurt, any crackers or chips, fruit roll ups, toast, bacon, dry cereal, pop tarts and, of course, pretty much any sweets like oatmeal cream pies, cookies or ice cream. I am able to get some veggies in him because he'll drink V-8 juice (the kind that tastes like fruit juice...) but other then that we give him vitamins, as much milk as we can get him to drink and pedisure to "fill in the gaps" as his doctor says. At his latest check-up, Ashtyn's pediatrician told me to try to get some fresh fruit into him by making smoothies! Great idea, I thought! So, off to Wal-Mart we went to get some ingredients and headed home to make strawberry smoothies. Ashtyn did drink about half of his smoothie (praise the Lord!) but didn't like all the "seed things", as he called them, from the strawberries. So, even though I was a bit disappointed that he didn't just fall in love with the smoothie I haven't yet given up hope. Next up??? Banana smoothies! Banana's don't have seeds so I think that might be one he could do! We'll see. Anyway, Ashtyn's diet may be a day to day struggle but we're working on it and I figure with as much trouble as we have getting him to eat new things one day irony will surely catch up with us and he'll be a chef or something who eats everything! Ha!! Who knows, right!?!?

1 comment:

Grma Pennie said...

banana with a squirt of flavored syrup like strawberry or chocolate...sounds yummy...can i have one?