Friday, September 23, 2011

face plant

Tuesday morning was like any other morning. We got up early, got the boys ready for school and then off they went. But at about 10:30 that morning the day changed. I got a call from the school that Maddox had tripped and fallen outside and that we needed to come look at his lip. They said it was busted. Unfortunately, I hadn't even had a shower yet so I called Brandon and asked if he could go pick up Maddox. When Brandon brought him home I was shocked! The nurse had given Maddox an ice pack to hold on his lip and when I opened the front door Maddox had his lip covered with the cold pack. But when Maddox lowered the ice it almost took my breath away. Maddox's upper lip was HUGE!!!! His lip was swollen, his chin and upper lip were scraped from the fall and his right front tooth was loose and bleeding. Yikes!! All the nurse was able to tell us was that Maddox's class was walking out to recess and somehow Maddox tripped and fell face first onto the concrete sidewalk. Poor little guy. Maddox said he was OK but he was pretty upset and sore.

That afternoon, Maddox spent hours on the sofa just cuddled up and even fell asleep for awhile. He kept asking me to hold him (which of course I did) and we watched a movie. The next day I kept Maddox home from school again. His lip was still VERY swollen, his tooth was really loose and he was having a hard time eating. I think that part may have been the worst for little Maddox. He wanted to eat all his normal foods but had to stick to soft foods. He ate Jell-O and rolled up turkey mostly but that just wasn't cutting it. It made Maddox pretty cranky.

We eventually found out that as Maddox was walking in line with his class the kid in front of him completely walked out of his shoe leaving it behind for Maddox to trip over...and, obviously, Maddox did. Today, Maddox was able to go back to school and he has figured out more ways to eat so he's coping much better. Maddox still has a huge scab on his upper lip but the swelling is mostly gone. His tooth is still a bit loose so we're waiting to see if it will fall out or tighten back up. Maddox kinda secretly wants it to fall out because he wants the tooth fairy to come!! Ha!! I know this wasn't Maddox's first injury but it sorta scared me because it was his first real injury when he was away from home. I was nervous to send him back to school today because I could just see him running too fast at recess and falling again or falling from the monkey bars and hitting his tooth...but he came home in one piece with all of his teeth so I guess he's OK!!

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