Friday, September 23, 2011

pose perfect

The boys' halloween costumes are in!! Can you tell we're excited!?!? I always love seeing what costumes the boys will pick!! Maddox, of course, chose a Star Wars character. His name is Pre Viszla. I don't even know who that is but Maddox does and he's super pumped!! Ashtyn is a Bakugan character named Dragonoid. After Ash put on his costume he stood in front of the full length mirror for quite some time making different poses and watching himself!! Ha!! He's so cute!! We normally don't buy our costumes this early but last year we waited and then the costumes the boys wanted were sold out so we just went ahead and got this year's costumes early. I let the boys wear the costumes for a few minutes when they first arrived and now they are packed back neatly into their original packaging and stored on the top shelf of my closet. So far the boys haven't even asked where the costumes went so I hope it's not too much torture for them to wait to wear them again for another whole month...!!!

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