Friday, September 23, 2011

homecoming hoopla

Last Friday was homecoming for the Mustang Broncos and we were excited to go cheer them on!! Not only were we excited to go to the game but during the homecoming game the boys' school was scheduled for their turn to run thru the Bronco Tunnel with the football team and do a cheer on the field!! We (I!) look forward to this every year!! This was the first year Maddox could participate and Ashtyn's third time. We almost weren't able to go to the game, though, because after school Maddox was in a VERY bad mood. I had him lay down for what I was hoping would be a quick power nap but at 5PM dinner was ready and Maddox was still asleep. I went in to wake him up and let's just say that he was a little less then thrilled that his nap was being cut short. When I saw that he was even crankier then before his nap I left the room giving Maddox a chance to fully wake up. Unfortunately, time wasn't what Maddox needed. When I heard Maddox crying and grunting and growling in his room I went back in to check on him and he had thrown all of the stuffed animals and blankets off of his bed and was throwing a full on fit! I tried ignoring his behavior at first but it only got worse. Within ten minutes, Maddox had himself laid out on the hallway floor and whenever anyone would walk near him he would burst into tears all over again...fake, fit throwing tears that is. To end his tirade, Maddox knocked over the vacuum cleaner and then squished himself between the sofa and the wall! Wow! I had never seen Maddox like this before. I was at a loss. By this time, I put Maddox in time out (which he hates and always works) and sure enough it did the trick yet again. We didn't want to take away a huge once a year football event like this night's for one overly-tired induced tantrum, so after his timeout and after Maddox had calmed down we scolded Maddox and then told him we could still attend the football game if he would pick up his mess. He wasn't super happy about it but he changed his attitude and before long we were getting dressed for the big game!!

When it is your school's turn to go on the football field with the high school team, you have to get to the game early so that the players can sign your shirts and then the kids all walk out on to the field to do a short cheer. After that they line up behind the big blow up Bronco, on the field, and give high fives to the football players as they run past and into the tunnel. After the team runs thru, all the kids get to follow! It's really alot of fun! For some reason this year, though, we missed the autograph session. We arrived on time so we're not sure what happened...but we still had fun!!

In the cheer the boys learned, they say the words "Mustang High School" while making an "M" "H" and "S" with their arms! This is obviously their "S". I'm almost embarrassed to say that it took me awhile to figure out why they kept wanting to pose like this. I thought they were "walking like Egyptians" and just kept thinking "what are they doing...?" but it eventually hit me! Ha!

I honestly think it may have made Maddox's year that he got to be on the field and give all of the players a high five as they ran past!! He loved it!! Ash always has a good time too!! This year was funny, though, because Ash was super protective of Maddox during the run through the tunnel. He told me afterward that he was holding on to Maddox's shirt because he was "afraid Maddox would get lost". What a good big brother!

After all of the pre-game hoopla, we grabbed a snack at the concession stand and settled in to watch the game. We were sitting pretty high in the stands and it was actually pretty chilly outside but we were excited!!

We were using our "binoculars" so that we could see the game better!!

Maddox and I thoroughly enjoyed the game!! He asked alot of questions and I answered them!! It may seem backwards to most relationships but I'm the sports fanatic between Brandon and I and I really get into watching with my boys and telling them all the rules of the game!! It's so exciting!!

Brandon and Ash had fun too but it didn't take them long before they had cell phones in hand and were playing games!! Ha!! Oh least we were all together as a family!!

There was one moment during the game that was really funny! Ashtyn had to go to the bathroom really bad in the middle of the game and so Brandon took him. We were sitting in a pretty scarce area of the stands but there was a group of teenagers sitting almost directly behind us. While Ash and Brandon were in the bathroom Maddox turned to me and in a super loud Maddox voice said, "I CAN HOLD MY POOP!!!!" I guess that was his way of telling me he had to go but didn't want to go in the public bathroom so would wait until we got home!! Ha!!!! I couldn't stop laughing!! Oh...the innocence of a child. I'm pretty sure the teenagers behind us got a good kick out of Maddox's comment too!!

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