Thursday, September 15, 2011

shoo summer don't bother me!!

The weather has been trying to cool off for about a week now...FINALLY!!!! We've had waaaaaay too many 100+ degree days this summer and so the 80's the past week have been like heaven on earth!! Today, we were even luckier, when a cool front moved through and brought rain and high temperatures in the low 60's!! Woohoo!! I almost wanted to pinch myself this morning when I walked outside to take the boys to school and we needed jackets! I just didn't seem real!  After school, and after our afternoon snack, the boys and I cuddled on the sofa under a big fluffy blanket and rented a movie. It was cloudy outside and kind of dark, which made the living room dark, and we all felt so cozy in our blanket!! I wish we could do that everyday.

In honor of the cooler weather, I put a big batch of taco soup in the crock pot this afternoon and let it simmer for hours. It made the house smell awesome! It was the perfect end to a weather-perfect day when Brandon and I sat on the sofa, eating our taco soup with crispy french bread and watched football with the windows open and cool air blowing in! I wish this weather would last forever but within the next two days the temps will be back close to 90. Which is still way cooler then it has been but it's not taco soup weather either...

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