Tuesday, January 8, 2013

MY 2012

Every year we get an ornament for each member of our family that represents the year and shows our individual personality. For 2012 our ornaments pegged us each to a tee! Brandon's ornament is a wooden duck. I got it because of Brandon's new found obsession with the show Duck Dynasty. Okay, the honest truth is we're ALL obsessed with Duck Dynasty but Brandon takes the cake in this family. My ornament has a picture of Santa on it and says "Dear Santa, I have been a Good Auntie This Year". I got it because in 2012 I gained two nieces and two nephews going from being an auntie to ONE niece to being an auntie of THREE nieces and TWO nephews! Wow! Our family is growing! Ashtyn's ornament is a Bible with the story of David and Goliath emerging from the book. Ash started Junior Bible Quiz at our church this year and is doing SO GOOD! We found his niche! Maddox's ornament is a boy missing a tooth. Obviously, Maddox lost his first tooth this year! Boy, it's been a busy, fun and great year! I'm looking forward to Christmas 2012 and the many memories we will make finishing out this year.

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