Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the "Wiles" side of Christmas

It's been a few years since the "Wiles" family spent Christmas together. My maiden name is Wiles and I have two sisters. Growing up people always referred to us as the "Wiles girls" and it just sort of stuck. Even though we're all now married with families of our own (and, obviously, each of our last names has changed...) when we all get together it's hard not to say that the "Wiles girls are back together again!" Ha! This year the Wiles girls had Christmas together with our parents. We all stayed at my sister's house in Ponca City. It was a tight fit but there's something about sleeping in a modge podge of areas that reminds me of Christmases growing up. We would always cram into my Gramma's house (even the year she lived in an apartment) with all of our aunts, uncles and cousins and enjoy a wonderful, fun filled, food filled and laughter filled Christmas. This year was reminiscent of the good ol' days for sure.

We have several Christmas traditions in the Wiles family. One of them, that dates back as far as I can remember, is that my dad always reads the Christmas story to us (from the exact same book) before we can open presents. He is notorious for reading the story at normal speed until he gets to the very last page where he begins to talk in slow motion, drawing out his words to take as long as humanly possible! Ha! As kids, my sisters and I would always scream "Daddy! Daddy! Hurry!" and giggle and giggle until he finally read the last word. We couldn't wait to open our Christmas gifts! It's so cute now to watch our kids do the exact same thing! (Oh...and don't ask why there's a band-aide on my dad's head...I'm actually not sure...)

Maddox always gets bored during the Christmas story. I know I shouldn't laugh at that but I just can't help it. Ash and Elia are able to sit so very still and listen to Grampa Mike read the Christmas story, even though you can tell they too want him to hurry...but Maddox doesn't hide his feelings one bit! He wiggles and squirms and moans and groans. I'm not even sure he's aware he's doing all of it! Ha!

Finally, Gramma Pennie had to "help" Maddox sit still for the story...

When the story was over we got right to our stockings and gifts! SO...MUCH...FUN...!!!!

James and Noah may have been a bit confused by all the chaos of Christmas morning...but they'll get into it soon enough!

No matter how old you get there's truly nothing like doing Christmas like you did it as a kid! It takes you back and not only makes you happy but also makes you thankful. We only get to do Christmas as the "Wiles family" every few years but I hold onto those memories like gold until the opportunity comes back around again.

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