Wednesday, February 6, 2013

a perfect hatch

For Christmas, Ash received a dinosaur egg hatching kit and he was BEYOND eager to give it a try! We weren't exactly sure what this thing was going to be but we followed the directions and we found ourselves with a small tank of water on our kitchen counter filled with tiny seeds floating across the top and a packet of food to feed our "dinosaurs" once they hatched. We were still kind of confused but excited to see what would happen over the next week or two. After about seven days we didn't see any promise of dinosaurs hatching and were beginning to think that we had messed something up and would have to break the news to Ash that his experiment didn't work. We decided to give our growing dinos a couple more days before throwing in the towel. It's a good thing we did too because the very next day when I went into the kitchen I saw an itty bitty teeny tiny almost transparent THING darting around in the water!!!! I moved in for a closer look and, sure enough, there it was! Swimming about! I couldn't wait to tell Ash and he was, obviously, the most excited of all of us. Over the next few days we had another dinosaur hatch and we began feeding them their tiny pellets of food. What the package directions called "dinosaurs" actually turned out to be more like tiny tadpoles but Ash didn't care! The dinosaur tadpoles grew to about double their original size and grew tails before yet another day rolled around, when I walked into the kitchen and there were Ashtyn's tadpoles, floating on the bottom of the tank. Ugh. Ash took the news of his dinosaurs passing very well and he was just excited to have had the experience. I never thought I'd be the woman who wouldn't mind having science experiments scattered across her kitchen counter but I most definitely have! It makes me smile every time I turn the corner into my kitchen and find whatever progress our latest experiment has made. Oh! And currently...we have a "grow-your-own-rock-candy" container doing it's thing in the kitchen windowsill! Oh the joys of having boys!

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