Saturday, May 3, 2014

smelly turtle, smelly turtle, it's not your fault

We have had our pet turtle for almost a full year. Ash got him for his 9th birthday. In the past couple months, though, Crawler has developed a new (and NOT so welcome...) smell. He's always smelled if we let his tank get too dirty or didn't brush his shell enough but this latest smell seemed unbeatable! No matter what we did the smell would persist. One weekend when I was going out of town for work I laid down an ultimatum...either the turtle smell would be "cured" by the time I got home or Crawler would have to find a new home. Believe me, I didn't want to give Crawler away. I've actually taken to the little guy. But this smell was a deal breaker. So, I packed my bags, left for the weekend and truly hoped that Crawlers issues would be resolved when I got home. I am thankful to report that weeks later Crawler is still living in our house and his stinkiness is under control! Brandon and Ashtyn went to the pet store while I was away and got some professional advice on taming our turtle's odor...and their advice WORKED! Now...we still have to stay on top of keeping Crawler's tank clean but the time and little bit of elbow grease it takes is well worth it. I don't ever want to smell that smell again!

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