Saturday, May 3, 2014

summer reading academy

It has definitely been a struggle getting Maddox to read. He simply has NO interest in sitting and reading a book. We weren't prepared for this struggle as Ash has always loved reading and will sit in his room quietly reading for two hours at a time. Maddox, on the other hand, was not born with a love for a good book. Now, he can do almost any math problem in his head and give him a football magazine and he can retain every word on every page but his required reading at school and chapter books at the library?? Forget it!!!! We are having to get more and more creative with Maddox in getting him to read. In fact, this year at school he saw a reading specialist and we just found out a couple of weeks ago that Maddox will be attending the Summer Reading Academy (a fancy word for summer school...) during the month of June. To say Maddox was devastated when we gave him the summer school news would be an understatement. He collapsed to the floor and was working up some pretty big tears before I finally got him to hear me out and convince him that it wouldn't be so bad. In the end, Maddox still isn't excited about summer school but he is eager to get better at reading. I know that Maddox will probably never be someone who sits down with a good book and reads the whole thing in one day...and that's okay! All I want for him is that he see that reading CAN be fun! I hope he finds something that he enjoys. Even if it is football magazines and comic books!

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