Wednesday, June 11, 2014

crafty couple

I've said it before and I'll say it again...Brandon and I make a great team! We are a great team in ministry, in family, in love and in LIFE! Something we have always been great at together is creative projects. Over the last decade COUNTLESS numbers of ideas have just popped into my head and literally within days, sometimes even within hours, Brandon has executed them and we are enjoying them in our own home! Both indoors and outdoors! I'm lucky to be married to a hands on man who isn't afraid to make things happen. Even when I come up with an idea that he originally thinks is too difficult or even impossible he seems to make it happen! I may or may not be spoiled rotten! (wink)

My latest bright idea was to replace a tiny undersized painting on our substantial dining room wall with something more to scale and extra creative...a GIANT decorative chalk board! Why not!? I told Brandon about my idea on a Friday evening and by Saturday afternoon this was my view! Since it would be nearly impossible to find the exact chalk board I had envisioned Brandon made a trip to Lowe's and crafted my dream chalk board from scratch with his own two hands! I know it's still just a black board with decorative border hanging on the wall but that's only because it's still too new and pretty for me to mark up with chalk dust. I love my new dining room artwork but not as much as I love Brandon!

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