Wednesday, June 11, 2014

special delivery

When your grandparents live over 1500 miles away some of your most exciting days are those when you receive gift packages from said grandparents! My mom and dad live in Connecticut and we get to see each other two or three times each year. While that is quite a bit for family that lives halfway across the country it can still be long months between visits and that can be hard. When they can't be around my parents are awesome at sending goodies for the boys! Last month, when Ash turned 10, my parents sent several gifts that came packaged in a couple boxes. It's funny, these days when we get home and there is a box on the porch marked as shipped from Amazon the boys start jumping up and down with excitement exclaiming that "Grampa Mike and Gramma Pennie sent us a present!" This year my parents sent Ashtyn some new pool toys for summer but the top gifts had to be the Spirograph and the Spy Glasses! They know him so well. Our house is now covered in various pieces of paper doodled with spirals, stars and snowflake shapes! If you receive framed pieces of spirograph art for an upcoming birthday or holiday you will know why...

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