Wednesday, August 6, 2014


When Grampa Mike is in town we tend to find ourselves in new and wonderful places that we've never been to before. This trip, we took Grampa Mike to somewhere HE had never been before and yet still he was able to show us things we had never seen. We drove to the stockyards to introduce Grampa and Gramma to Cattleman's Steakhouse and while we waited for a table Grampa Mike (being the restless, ADD afflicted man that he is) looked across the street and said "Let's go over there while we wait!" So what did we do? We explored Langston's! Maddox was impressed by the decor and Ash, of course, loved the tiny horse figurines. Both boys were shocked at the price of the boots Grampa Mike liked! We were easily torn away from the cowboy hats and western blankets when our table was ready but our visit to Langston's was a fun detour in our day!

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